Vaccination is one of the most essential strategies in the chicken industry for avoiding infections and decreasing economic losses. To achieve maximum vaccination safety and efficacy, vaccines must be transported, stored, and handled properly.
Vaccines are normally delivered in a cooler box or bag that is insulated. It’s a good idea to refrigerate the box or bag before putting the vaccination inside. When the ice packs are removed from the freezer, they must be covered in a cloth, paper, or bubble wrap to keep the vaccine from coming into direct contact with the frozen icepacks and freezing.
When the vaccination arrives on the farm, the temperature should be checked first. This temperature should be between +2° C and +8° C. This ensures that the potency is still present. Keep track of the type of vaccination, the number of doses, and the expiration dates. If the immunizations come heated or damaged, contact the manufacturer or distributor and follow their instructions.
The majority of live vaccinations must be stored between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius. The vaccination should never be kept in the refrigerator doors, where the temperature is greater, or in the back of the refrigerator, where it might get too cold. Keeping vaccinations of the same type together is a good idea to avoid accidentally using the wrong vaccine. Refrigerator temperatures may be regularly monitored with maximum/minimum digital thermometers, and a number of auditing organizations require that temperatures be documented daily.
Nitrogen Storage Tank
Liquid nitrogen storage may be required for cell-associated live virus vaccinations. Prior to delivery in any form, these vaccinations must be properly frozen and combined. To keep the vaccinations at a steady temperature, the nitrogen tanks must be regularly maintained. Check for seal leaks and make sure there’s enough liquid nitrogen in the tank to sustain the required frigid temperatures. A dipstick, ruler, or anything else that can prove a sufficient volume of liquid nitrogen is present to keep the vaccine frozen can be used to measure the level of nitrogen in the tank.
The vaccination should be taken out of the fridge no more than 30 minutes before usage. Only make enough vaccination to use right away. Vaccine mixing should be done on a clean surface free of sanitizer or disinfectant residues, and only clean, authorized vaccine mixing equipment should be used. UV radiation, heat, chlorine, and organic matter must all be avoided when using the vaccination (including dust, litter or feed). In your farm medications book, make a note of the vaccine’s name, batch number, expiration date, and administration date. The vaccinations should only be handled and mixed by trained personnel.
For further information please contact please contact LMS:
+234(0)803-307-0278, +234(0)909-888-9997.
No 36, Osun Crescent, Along BPE (Bureau of Public Enterprise), Off Ibrahim Babangida Boulevard, Maitama, Abuja.